Capitol Careers

Capitol Careers

A Remote Work Environment – Structuring Your Daily Routine

The global pandemic has forced employers to turn their company remote overnight. Those who typically conduct business in-office might have a difficult time adjusting to this new way of working. Although working from home has become a necessary measure, COVID-19 will have a long-term impact on the future of teleworking.

With the right practices put in place, a remote work environment can succeed. Gallup research shows 43% of U.S. employees have remote flexibility, and recent studies indicate remote workers are more productive than in-office employees.

Our business usually runs on a partially remote work schedule. Employees are trained on teleworking best practices to ensure continued collaboration and consistent productivity.

Structuring your daily routine as if you are in the office is key to a successful remote work model.

Keep your alarm set.
It’s easy to get into the habit of pushing your alarm an hour later or even turning it off entirely. You’re no longer commuting or having to dress professionally every day. We suggest sticking to your normal wake up time ¾ start your morning with a cup of coffee and begin planning the day ahead. Abiding to a similar sleep schedule will avoid a tough adjustment period when you are back in the office.

Designate a workspace.
You don’t need a separate room or home office – designate a physical area as your personal workspace. If you live with someone else, set boundaries to avoid distractions throughout the day. Allocating the time and space to conduct business will help separate your home and work life.

Keep yourself accountable.
Just as you would in the office, continue constant communication with your team and direct reports. Branch out from email and check in over a call or zoom meeting to alleviate the social isolation that comes with working remotely.

When working alone, it is more important than ever to structure your day. Add all tasks to your calendar with specific time blocks to avoid pushing certain tasks off. Having reminders set throughout the day will also help you better understand how long certain projects take and monitor progress.

Take breaks.
If you typically take a lunch break, stick to it! Step away from your computer and dedicate an hour to yourself – whether that be, going on a walk or picking up take out. If you’re used to taking breaks with your team, schedule a virtual lunch using Zoom or Google Hangouts! Overworking yourself can cause burn outs and a decrease in motivation.

Power off.
End your day as you would in the office- have your team wrap up call, schedule and prepare for tomorrow’s meetings and most importantly, close your computer. If you typically log on once your home, take an hour or two to unwind ¾ prep dinner, spend time with family and friends or catch up on your latest tv binge. We understand things come up and we are required to work outside of a 9 – 5, but try to keep a consistent power on, power off routine to keep a healthy home environment.

A remote work environment can falsely promote an “always-on” culture. According to a recent Gallup survey of more than 7,500 full-time employees, 44% reported feeling burned out sometimes and 23% said they felt burned out most of the time. We recommend incorporating these practices into your daily routine to ensure a healthy work-life balance.